Booker has been running the patrols -- usually comprised of residents, off-duty police and other city employees -- since September.

And Other "New Jersey Republican News"
"Historically, our party has always taken a stand on tough social issues.
If we go back and look at the Republican Party platform of 1856 we find
strongly worded positions on the social issues of the day – about the rights
possessed by every human life, and about the definition of marriage.
In that platform, we find those social issues addressed with these words:
“It is both the right and the imperative duty of Congress to prohibit those twin
relics of barbarism – Polygamy, and Slavery.”
According to a story posted on PolitickerNJ there has been more talk about a challenge to Republican Congressman Leonard Lance from the right than the left. His vote in favor of the cap and trade bill - together with two other New Jersey Republicans - brought forth threats of a primary from conservatives.
"Lance will absolutely have a primary. He is the most likely to have one - he has no friends," said conservative political consultant and former Lonegan strategist Rick Shaftan.
That's more friends than Shaftan has.
In his comments to the Asbury Park Press editorial board, Chris Christie responded to an Associated Press story, based on a release from the Corzine campaign, that Christie occasionally billed taxpayers more than $400 a night for stays in luxury hotels and exceeded the government's hotel allowance on 14 of 16 business trips in 2008.
Christie said he always attempted to find a hotel room set aside at the government rate. But sometimes those rooms were taken, and taxpayers ended up paying $3, $8 or sometimes as much as $200 more a night. "There are only a few hotel rooms in each hotel that are reserved for government rate,'' Christie said. "If you got them, you got them. If you didn't, you didn't. I wouldn't have slept in the park.''
I guess he never heard of "Holiday Inn Express".
His campaign spokeswoman, Maria Comella, did not help matters by making light of
the traffic stop: "Before the Corzine campaign wastes any more of the governor's
Wall Street millions on opposition research, we're going to let them know Kim
(Guadagno, Christie's running mate) received a ticket in 2007 for driving while
on a cell phone and Chris got detention in the 9th grade for too much talking in
Jon Corzine's record on job creation is abysmal. New Jersey's economy was in
decline long before the national recession took hold. Our unemployment rate
remains higher than that of any neighboring state's. More disturbing is the fact
that New Jersey's rate actually rose while the national rate was falling. Sadly,
today's numbers don't tell the whole story.
Last year, when you ran for president, your campaign gave people great hope that
change could come to America, and people voted for that change. But you
know, your election didn’t end the peoples’ hunger for change here in New
Jersey. People understand that high taxes, high spending, overzealous
regulation and lost jobs is not the way they want New Jersey’s future to be.
They know that to get the change we need in New Jersey, we have to start by
changing governors.